We slept very well in our hotel in Torino. The contrast between sharing a toilet and bedroom with others and having one for myself becomes very clear again – and again I am glad that I can effort a hotel if I want We got up early again – breakfast is at 7am. We want to get the bus to Ghigo which leaves at 7:38 at Torino – according to the timetable (yes, there IS a timetable!
). From Ghigo we want to start to the Monviso group – a quite famous and big group of mountains. The highest mountain in this group – what else can it be – is Monviso (about 3800m). Continuing our tour from Ghigo we are skipping two days of walking. We decided for this step since the weather is supposed to be very good and stable for the next three days – and for walking through the Monviso area we need very good weather.
Today, getting up at 6:30am from this great hotel bed is like a pain – at least for me…I think I could sleep another 2…3…4 hours …but anyway our bus is leaving 7:38…and it is the only bus for the next hours – according to the great timetable. Under this time condition the very nice breakfast was also very short…sine our bus leaves at 7:38 from Torino (what does this actually mean? Torino…where in Torino? But this time the woman from the tourist office told us the truth, didn’t she?). I think I could sit here in this great breakfast room and drink one coffee after another…but…. At 7:30 we hurried out of the hotel door to the bus stop which was described to us by the woman at the Torino tourist information. At 7:35 we are there… We are looking at the great timetable again. One strange thing we noticed this morning is that for all bus connections the bus stop where the bus leaves is marked yellow. Only for our connection there is no specific bus stop name given – just Torino…and it is not marked yellow. Could this mean something? We were just waiting…10 minutes…20 minutes…some buses were leaving…but no bus with our destination. To make it short – our bus never left. The “timetable” was just for information that there is a connection – but one has to change the bus. This was not obvious to us from the timetable. When we realized that the bus we would have to take was already gone. And so we stood there on the main road waiting for the next bus to the destination where we had to change the bus. This was very annoying…after so many days in the mountains the noise of hundreds of cars and so many people all around was kind of horrible. We were quite glad when the next right bus finally arrived.
From Torino the bus went to Perosa. There we had to change to another bus. But…sounds simple…it took us about an hour to find the correct bus stop where the next bus was going to leave. It was interesting to walk through Perosa…and we were able to buy some food and some medcine before we left…but we were finally very glad when we also left the second bus to Ghigo.
From here we walked about 4:30 hours to our destination Rif. Lago Verde. Luckily the weather was very good and stable today – there was no single cloud on the sky. The Rifugio Lago Verde is very nice. They have a warm shower which is already included in the price. Tonight we share a room with only two others – very comfortable Tomorrow we plan to go to Rif. Jervis. Forecast is very good…lets see